Is your business in the middle of a criminal investigation?

Let digital forensics help defend your case

Enlist the help of our team of experts

All data stored on digital devices is permissive in a court of law. This data is handled by a trained forensics expert to ensure the data is presented in its original form. This is achieved by following a strict chain of custody process to ensure the evidence has full legal validity. That is why we have certified digital forensic specialists ready to work on your criminal case, collaborating with the prosecution or in your defense.

Gathering of evidence:

With the support of our experts, it will be possible to extract digital evidence, even when tampering or destruction was attempted.

Digital fingerprint tracing:

Through a private digital investigation, it is possible to prove actions of a party.

Trust our track record:

Our experience and professional certifications are a seal of confidence that the evidence collected will be properly preserved.

Evidence to go to court:

We find the evidence and documents that will aid you in a court of law.

Organize the right information to present your case in court

Our forensic investigators, legal experts, and former law enforcement officers have extensive experience helping you solve your disputes. We specialize in business litigation and resolution.
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